Sunday, September 7, 2008

BioShock PS3 incorporates all Xbox 360 DLC and some different achievements

GameSpot has posted up a fresh hands-on with BioShock on the PS3 platform and report back that all is well in the BioShock PS3 camp. They confirm that this version incorporates all the downloadable content that's been on the Xbox 360 and the trophy support includes some different achievements to those on the Xbox 360 version.

The PlayStation 3 game, as we've noted before, is on the right track to capture the look and feel of the Xbox 360 game. The visuals are comparable, although there are some subtle differences in color and texture. The controls map intuitively to the PlayStation 3 controller and feel a bit better. The PS3's D pad seems like a much better fit for the hacking minigame. The controller's rumble support also had a nice feel to it. Although the experience is pretty much the same in the single-player mode, we noticed subtle tweaks, such as manual cycling of the load screen stills. The game also incorporates all the downloadable content that's been available on the Xbox 360. In addition, the game features trophy support, some of which are the same achievements seen in the Xbox 360 game, while others are different.

Origin post from maxconsole

